Friday, January 20, 2012

In response to a call to action

We at O Porrajmos Education Society do agree with the principle called upon by activists to create a universal platform assembled by a united leadership of Rromani. We would support such a venture, though the logistics would be a nightmare.

It would require an international conference with delegates from every nation and organization. These delegates would need to determine the issues we face and create an action plan to tackle each one.

Sounds simple. It isn't.

Every country in Europe is dealing with a variety of issues. These issues, ranging from poverty to murder, must be considered with respect to their relevance in each country they exist in, not just as a universal problem. Each country has different laws, different avenues of redress. Yes, there are the courts of the EU, but not every case can/will/should be determined there. Some issues need a more immediate course of action than a law suit and we've seen just how European governments respect their own high court system. Consider the current status of D.H. and Others v the Czech Republic.

Each issue must be recognized and tactically mapped to determine a course of action. What issues are the most important?

The issues
First issue:
Most human rights organizations see any issue of life and death as a top priority. I know, it's obvious, but you may be surprised who would argue the point. Based on this, the main issue in my mind would be the attacks and lack of attention by law enforcement of these attacks as seen across Eastern Europe.

We know the causes for these crimes. We know that skin heads and neo-Nazis are running amok in their unbridled hatred and frustration, blaming Rromani for their lot in life. These people are usually poor themselves, uneducated as well, with little hope of getting and keeping a job. Rather than face the truth of their situation, they must find a scapegoat. Blame the guy who got the job, who applied for the job, who wants the job, who needs the job.

These people feel that opposition to an issue such as poverty or other social ills is to eliminate the obstacle. Reasonable, rational people understand that this is stupidity unleashed, but we must face the fact that the racists, the skin heads, and the neo-Nazis aren't going anywhere. They will continue to use their rage to encourage others to unite with them. We've seen this in history, very recent history, and we can't ignore it. When the neo-Nazis are involved, we have no choice but to learn from history and stop them now.


A task force. Created through dedication and education, to take every case of violence and death and push the issues through the courts. Other duties of this task force would be to educate Rromani citizens of their rights, both human and civil, and teach them how to act upon them, how to exercise them, and how to use them to defend themselves.

In order to be effective, this task force would need to establish itself with strong NGOs such as Amnesty International as well as local, national, and international governments. Learn their strategies, strengths, and weaknesses so they can work together to create a safer world for our people.

A part of this task force would also need to work with local educators to create a curriculum dedicated to instructing outsiders on the real people called Rromani. They need to understand our ways so they can see that the problems they blame us for will not go away if we do.

Second issue:

Many would disagree with me here. Yes, poverty is a large problem and is critical, but I state that without education there will be little if any opportunities for advancement for any Rromani. Our children are born into poverty and will continue the cycle if not given the opportunity to advance and the doorway to such advancement is education. We must get our children into schools and given them the tools they need to succeed. A short term solution is jobs for Rromani now, but a long term solution starts with our children.

I believe our young people have lost hope. I believe they are turning to violence because they see no way out and they are frustrated. Drug addiction, alcoholism, and crime will only add to the problem. We have to show these kids that there is a way out and it is education. When our children succeed, so then shall we.

Another task force, this one of educators. We need to create the curriculum that will help our children. A nation cannot move forward if it has no idea where it has been. We need to teach our children our history and allow them to claim their heritage. From there, it is all academic. Mathematics, reading, social studies, civics, and a practicum for finding a job.

Third issue:

We need to help our people find a way out, not a hand out. Yeah, cliche, but it is very true. And I wish I had a solution here. I really don't. Funding that has been designated for the Rromani has been pocketed by gadji. Money for schools has gone to giving teachers raises.

It may be possible to create yet another watchdog group to demand an accounting of the money and where it goes and then make those figures public. Perhaps if the public sees where their money is really going, it may force a change in the system and get rid of a few corrupt officials.

Fourth issue:
And this is where I know I am going to be criticized. Persecution, discrimination, and other acts fall below this line. I hate the very idea of clustering the rest together, but I feel it is necessary. The reason being that everything else must be reviewed and categorized.  Often we may discover that a problem may be solved from one of the above mentioned groups.

Finally, we must declare war on the media. The irresponsible 'news' reports that blame 'those dirty Gypsies' for everything. I find it hard to believe that only the 'Gypsies' commit crimes. I read a news story while doing research for this blog that stated a Gypsy robed and raped a woman.

 I am not condoning the criminal act in any way, and if anyone believes I am, then you don't know me. When you know me, you can judge me. But let us take a careful look at the words used just in the title of the article.

The man's race was used to identify him. This often doesn't happen in States with a white man. If a white man commits a crime, he is often just referred to as 'A man'. The press will more likely state his name and age and then describe the crime. But when a black man, a Rom, or any other man of another race commits a crime, his race is usually brought up, if not in the title then in the text.

Also, when it comes to the description of the crimes, most reporters will use active voice rather than passive. Again, when you report a crime in a paper, you must, as a responsible journalist, report all crime as equal. If you are going to use active voice, do so for all crime, and not just the ones that will cause a sensation. Sensational journalism is often little more than racist reporting.

The media needs to be called out for their approaches. We need to establish a rapport with the press with liaisons who can help reporters keep to the facts and steer away from racist language. We need to support those Romani news agencies that exist and help them advance. We also need, though education, to create and support the future Rromani journalists.

In summary, I support a global network of leaders who would step forward and determine the issues and solutions to our problems and who could find a way to implement those solutions. Such leaders must be dedicated and also be supported by our people 100%. If we want the world to take us seriously, we must declare the world to be our country and stand up for our rights.

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