Friday, October 21, 2011

A request from the Roma Virtual Network

Throughout Europe, both Eastern and Western, the Rromani face persecution, racism, violence, and even death on a daily basis. Not long ago I interviewed a Rromani band from Hungary touring the US and I asked them about the violence and if they had experienced anything first hand. One said his neighbor's home had been set aflame though the family made it out alive. He wanted to stay in the States, to bring his family here for their safety, but he knew it was impossible. The others talked about beatings in the streets, threats from strangers, and the constant, nagging fear of being caught alone in the streets.

In order to stop violence, to put an end to the persecution, the acts and threats must be documented. Research and information gathering are a must to provide as much detailed and accurate information to the press, NGOs, government agencies, the EU and UN, and anyone else who will listen.

The Roma Virtual Network is calling for data on anti-Roma sentiment in Europe. They are asking for all possible data such as links to articles, descriptions of violence or other negative acts, photos and stories regarding anti-Roma demonstrations, meetings, speeches, expressions, and conflicts around Europe.

If you have anything that would help them gather this important information or any questions about the request, please contact them at .

Thank you.

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