Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just a few notes

I have a paper I should be working on, and three presentations to be preparing for, but I have a few things on my mind I thought I would get on paper, or screen, so that I can reference them later.

I want to do some research into the timeline of the Romani migrations. I have a few textbooks to allow me to do this with some authority, so I purchased a world map today to work on just that.

In the same line, I want to see and understand the times and conditions of the area of Czechloslovakia. The CR and the Slovaks have many issues with the Roma and I am curious to see how far back it goes and when the animosity seems to have occured and why.

My paper needs a lot of work, but I think I can get a few answers from the USHMM next week to get me on my way. I need to create a list of documents I need this weekened.

As for my language studies, I need to put the pedal to the metal. I am behind and need to really get moving on the vocab and structure. I am behind, and I am ashamed of that. The next 14 days are going to be busy around here.

We will see what all this gets me. Can I still make it in the Honors Program?

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