Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A rest stop, some good news, and Gypped

Every once in awhile we need some good news, news that helps us realize we are making progress. Good news could be compared to a rest area on the highway. A chance to get out of the car and stretch, to walk along the path, buy yourself a 2.00 bottle of water and relax before getting back into the hot car to drive another 500 miles. You need those rest areas.

Today's little bit of good news comes in the form of the new release by Carol Higgins Clark titled "Gypped." There are those who say we have not won this fight yet, and I am the first to agree. The title has yet to change. But consider what has been done:

We were able to put together a flyer about the use of the word.
We have started a small protest about the book.
We were able to get an article in the paper about the use of the word, an article that, prior to the release, would never have been printed.
The author heard our outrage and apologized.
We were able to meet with the author and she listened, allowing us to share our views during her speaking time.
We were able to talk to her audience and speak our minds, and perhaps in that we changed one heart, if not more.
We were able to get the fliers into the hands of the bookstore and the manager agreed to give the rest of the flyers out when people bought the book.
We were able to start a protest on the publisher's website and Facebook site as well as on Amazon.

That is a nice little list.

No, the title hasn't changed, but we will continue that fight. It is doubtful the title will be changed, but if we continue to pressure the publisher and the public, we can let authors and publishers know that we are a presence and that we will fight back.

It is now time to get back in the car. We have some momentum now that we've had a comfortable review of the situation.

Here is what you can do:
1. Leave the author a comment on her web page at

or on her Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/carolhigginsclark. Demand not just an apology but a repudiation of this slur!

or on Amazon at:

2. If you can help with informational pickets to spread information about why the word "gypped" is an ethnic slur, please contact Rromani Zor at com.romanizor@gmail.com for materials that can be easily copied.

Time to get back in the car and start driving.

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